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Huds and Toke get HACCP Accreditation

Huds and Toke Pty Ltd have achieved an International Food Safe Accreditation.

This is a really important development because it shows the committment the team at Huds and Toke are, and how seriously they take the quality of their products which we all bring to you and your customers.

Huds and Toke have been HACCP Certified.

Huds and Toke Pet Treats HACCP Certificate

HACCP Accreditation is an internationally recognised methodology in risk Management..

It is used by the food and consumables industry to maintain acceptable risk levels for food safety reasons.

Having a supplier whom has an Internationally recognised accreditation give you the confidence to know that you are retailing the very best products to your valued customers.

It's a great advantage for you to discuss with your customers and give you as a retailer as much credability as it gives Huds and Toke as manufacturers.

It shows that you choose your suppliers well and that you stock the very best.

Huds and Toke Gourmet Dog Treats, and Horse Treats ,are made in Australia in a professional facility.

Attaining such Accreditation is not an easy feat and takes a certain level of dedication and committment.

One should ask, are all your Pet Treat suppliers as dedicated?

Have a great week from the team @ Active Pet Products.

Active Pet Products Dog Treats

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