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Innovation is a word which seems to get bandied around a lot lately…….whilst the word is easy to say, it’s not always easy to both identify innovation, or develop innovation, within ones business.

In fact, it can be down right frustrating!

Identifying Innovation in Pet Treats can be Hard

Although this seemingly doesn't relate to Pet Treats or Horse Treats on the surface, it does, however directly relate to us, as a business, and is of utmost importance to constantly challenge the status quo and explore what innovations can be found to improve one's business.....regardless of the size. I think too often people perceive innovation to be strictly the domain of digital companies or product manufacturers.

However, there are numerous areas within each business where innovation can be found and implemented.

This ranges from:

· Staff management

· Store layout · Visual effects such as store colours · Sales techniques and tools · Customer management · Products · Management tools both back office and front of house…..

  • And the list goes on……

The trick is trying to identify innovation within your own business regardless of the size and type.

I read an article by classically trained Soprano Singer Tania De Jong about her views on innovation.

It’s not your typical source of innovation thoughts and advice……..but isn’t that the point??? Innovation by definition, isn’t typical!

Personally, I think her message best explains how to start the innovation discovery process, and then how to foster this resource.

Essentially she goes on to say that there are 4 things to help with this:

1. Embrace Diversity. 2. Give your people Freedom. 3. Play together as a team. 4. Think of creativity differently.

These all fit very well into the Active Pet Products and Huds and Toke business culture…….and I think is a great starting point.

Perhaps this could help kick-start the process to uncover innovation within your business as well?

As always, I trust this helps with some ideas for you. We fully understand that this information is not really about Pet Treats however we regularly assess what innovation we can apply to our business and our Pet Treats. If you felt you wanted to discuss innovation or other ideas we are happy to chat and provide some ideas.

Good luck and all the best from Russell Gibbons and the Team at Active Pet Products.

Gourmet Pet Treats made in Australia

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